So you hit the big one? You’re probably going to quit your job, buy a new car and a big new house, perhaps travel. Here are some karmatastic ideas that piggyback on the life of your dreams.

New Wheels in Your Future?Waterfall

Buy the car of your dreams. Heck, buy 10. But, be sure to donate your current car to military vets (, Make a Wish (, or your local high school to help some kids get real-life practice.

New Digs?

It’s the American Dream: home ownership. If you have a yen for gardening, or will be hiring a gardener, you should “add a row”: plant an additional row of veggies and donate the bounty to a food bank. And, get to know your community. You may have opportunities to make a difference in the lives of the people with whom you interact on a regular basis.

What’s Missing in Your Local School System?

Choose a local K-12 teacher and pay for her or his PhD. You’re investment pays off in so many ways: a well-prepared education administrator can change the future of children and a community. You can also establish a scholarship program to help others with their dreams.

Plan to Be Your Own Boss?

Follow your entrepreneurial dreams and start a company. Small companies are the engine of our economy. You’ll be providing jobs and benefits.

Is Something Missing in Your Town?

The Bondurants of Iowa thought big after winning a $202 million Powerball drawing. They built a grocery store because their town didn’t have one (creating jobs, natch!). They paid off the mortgage of their church. They even helped build a football stadium for the local high school. Karmatastic!

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