These social commentators pay tribute to the military in other, no less meaningful, ways.
Today’s is a somber celebration of the sacrifices made by U.S. servicemembers, veterans, and their families. Flags are planted, parades held, medals polished, and poppies worn. There is also a long and respectful history of comic strip artists honoring the U.S. military.
Yesterday’s Mallard Fillmore was spot on, shoes that would never be filled, sacrifices never forgotten.
From 2007, Berkeley Breathed’s Opus in a field of flowers is somber and heartwrenching.
For our old friend Beetle Bailey, a perennial loafer, there’s no goofing off today.
And, Red and Rover tugs at the heart: the lost brother whose wishes for a beloved pet are a promise kept.
These comics are not frivolous tributes. They are respectful reminders, penned by some of the most important social scribes of our time.
Poppy image from, Image Reference: 15-43-51.